Other Advantages:

- Specifying jobs and estimating the required human resources based on enterprise strategic plans in terms of numbers, qualification, and job description for each job.
Saving comprehensive records of employees (current and former) in terms of qualifications, jobs, promotions, attended training courses, and transactions during employment period.
- Managing enterprise external relationship with official and none-official parties related to employees, organize required legal records, account statements, reports.Participate in specifying human resource’s weakness and strength points, making internal decisions regarding promotion, demotion, suspension, service termination, transferring, or others.
- Participate in specifying human resource’s weakness and strength points, making internal decisions regarding promotion, demotion, suspension, service termination, transferring, or others.
- Facilitate and organize payments of salaries, daily wages, benefits, allowances, and annual or periodical bonuses. The program also provides tools to save comprehensive records about financial payments to the employees, day-labors during employment periods in the enterprise, benefits details, and calculation and payment methods.
- Ensure selected employees are capable of performing job’s tasks, having the necessary skills and abilities to perform job functions, thus reaching for the required productivity during specific periods.
- Obtain the best human qualifications from external “work market “or the available skills from the internal sources within the enterprise, by applying standard methods of attracting, examining, and appointing employees.